General Checkups & Cleanings | 一般檢查和潔牙
It is highly recommended by H&N Dental Care that patients see their dentist at least twice a year for a check-up and cleaning. For the majority of patients who visit us, two visits per year is a workable schedule; but patients with gum disease may require more frequent visits. These regular check-ups prevent such problems from becoming a larger issue down the line. This would also include patients who have a predisposition or tendency to get cavities or plaque buildup.
When you come to H&N Dental Care for your routine visit, you will receive a cleaning, tooth polishing, and prevention and care instructions. Based on your examination, any needed x-rays and treatment recommendations will be given.
It is very important to perform regular check-ups at least twice a year to allow your dentist to look for problems that you might not be able to see or feel yourself. Your doctor can also detect the beginnings of tooth decay and provide a treatment plan to resolve it before it is too late, or harder to deal with.
Remember that certain conditions (such as stress or even illness) can affect the health of your mouth and your overall well-being. In such cases, it might be recommended by your doctor to make more than two visits a year. Talk to your doctor and see what works best for your particular dental state of health.
當您前來本診所進行例行看診時,我們會為您檢查牙齒和洗牙,並提供預防保健說明。此外,我們也會根據檢查情形,提供一切所需的 X 光片和治療建議。每年至少兩次定期檢查是非常重要的,讓牙醫檢查您是否有自己沒看到或感覺到的問題。定期檢查可以防止這些問題變得越來越嚴重。您的牙醫也能檢查是否有開始蛀牙的情形,並在病情惡化之前,及時提供治療計畫加以解決。
Tooth-Colored Restorations | 牙色修復
If a natural-looking smile is important to you, your dentist can now repair and restore your teeth with tooth-colored fillings, inlays, onlays, crowns and veneers that when placed look just like your own teeth.
Made of a complex composite of plastic and zirconia/silica, tooth-colored restorations bond to your tooth, helping prevent any filling leaks or chances of any cracking or breaking of the tooth.
They also feel, look and function like your natural teeth and are ninety to ninety-five percent as strong as a healthy tooth; whereas silver fillings are only forty to forty-five percent as strong.
這種材料在外觀和功能上都和正常牙齒類似,堅固程度也達到正常牙齒的 90% 至 95%,而銀質填充物 (俗稱銀粉) 的堅固程度則只有 40% 至 45%。
Composite Inlays & Onlays | 複合嵌體和高嵌體
When your decayed tooth needs more than a filling but less than a crown to repair it, your dentist will use either an inlay or an onlay to bring your tooth back to a healthy state.
Inlays are used when the decay is within the indented top surface (cusp) of a tooth; and an onlay is used when the cavity involves one or more cusps.
Composite inlays and onlays are made of a combination of plastic and zirconia/silica which is bonded to the tooth. They are tooth-colored in appearance and actually strengthen the structure of the tooth by up to seventy-five percent; and because of the composite materials from which they are made, they can last up to thirty years.
當蛀牙發生在牙齒上方的凹槽表面 (尖端) 時,可使用嵌體加以修復,而當蛀牙擴及一或多個尖端時,則可使用高嵌體加以修復。
複合嵌體和高嵌體,是以可黏附於牙齒上的塑膠和氧化鋯/二氧化矽複合物為材料。嵌體和高嵌體外觀呈牙齒色澤,可實際將牙齒結構加強達 75%,而所採用的複合材料則有長達 30 年的使用壽命。
Veneers | 瓷貼片
These wafer-thin shells (that are most often made from porcelain or ceramic) are bonded to the front surface of a tooth to cover teeth that are discolored, stained, chipped, cracked or even misaligned or have gaps between them. Your dentist makes impressions of your teeth and then a mold of the way your teeth will look once the veneers are placed. The mold is sent to a dental lab where the veneers are created. Once they are returned to your dentist’s office (typically in five to ten business days), your dentist uses a special cement to apply the veneer to your tooth or teeth.
Once the veneer is placed and both you and your dentist are happy with the way it looks, a special light is used to harden the cement and permanently attach the veneer to your tooth.
Veneers are made in a tone and translucency that either matches your teeth or whitens and improves the look of your teeth. Veneers typically last for five to ten years and do not require any special care – just brushing, flossing and regular visits to the dentist.
這些通常以陶瓷為材質、像晶片一樣薄的殼,可黏合於牙齒正面,以覆蓋發黃、變色、有缺口、斷裂、或甚至無法對齊或中間有縫隙的牙齒。牙醫會對您的牙齒進行印模,並製作可呈現牙齒貼上瓷貼片後之外觀的齒模,然後將齒模送至牙科實驗室以製作瓷貼片。瓷貼片送回診所 (通常需要 5 至 10 個工作天) 後,牙醫會使用特殊的接合劑,將瓷貼片貼到您的牙齒上。
瓷貼片的色調和透明度與您的牙齒相符,或是能改善牙齒的外觀,使牙齒看起來更加潔白。瓷貼片通常可使用 5 到 10 年,而且不需要特別照顧,只要以牙刷和牙線清潔,並定期造訪牙醫診所即可。
Crowns and Bridges | 牙套和牙橋
A dental crown becomes necessary if a tooth has been weakened by decay or fracture. It can also be used for cosmetic purposes. A dental crown is placed by first grinding away the tooth so that it is smaller. A crown or cap is then placed over the tooth and secured.
If you are missing one or more teeth, your dentist may suggest the use of a fixed bridge and dental crowns. Since the gap left by a missing tooth can cause the remaining teeth to shift or move, it is important for your oral health to replace the missing tooth or teeth; and fixed bridges are one of the solutions for doing so.
Bridges consist of a pontic (artificial tooth) and crowns, which are “caps” that go over the teeth on both sides of the bridge and serve as anchors to stabilize the bridge. Traditional bridges are usually made from porcelain fused to metal or ceramics.
牙橋是由橋體 (假牙) 和牙套所組成,此牙套由牙齒上方套住牙橋兩側,可發揮錨定作用以固定牙橋。傳統牙橋通常是以熔附於金屬或陶瓷為材料所製成。
Dental Implants | 植牙
If you are missing one or more teeth or wear partial or full dentures, dental implants can be the perfect solution. An implant is a titanium screw that is placed in your jaw, where it functions like a tooth root and stimulates the bone and tissue to keep them from disintegrating.
An abutment is fastened to the implanted screw and an artificial tooth is attached to the abutment that protrudes from the gum. Once the artificial tooth is placed on the abutment, it looks, feels and functions like a natural tooth.
Dental implants can also be used to secure partial or full dentures; and instead of attaching an artificial tooth to the abutment, the dental plate or partial is fitted with an O-ring that snaps on to the abutment.
For a partial denture, as few as one implant may be needed; for full dentures, it will take four or more implants to securely hold the prosthesis in place. Implant-supported partials or dentures function just like normal teeth, allowing you to bite and chew just as you did with your permanent teeth; but the dentures can still be removed for cleaning.
牙科植體也能用來固定局部或整副假牙,並以安裝了 O 型環的牙板或局部假牙扣住支台,而不將假牙附著於支台上。
Complete Dentures | 整副假牙
When all of your permanent teeth need to be extracted from either your upper or lower jaw because of decay, periodontal disease or trauma, complete dentures are created in a dental lab to replace your missing teeth.
Over time, dentures can loosen because of the loss of gum tissue and jawbone that deteriorate when they no longer have tooth roots to keep them stimulated. This can result in the use of dental products to keep them adhered to your gums.
The other option is to have your dentures secured with implants that are placed in your jawbone and, through a process called osseointegration, take the place of a tooth root. In either case, your dentures are easily removable for cleaning.
Removable Partial Dentures | 活動式局部假牙
If several teeth are missing in either your upper or lower jaw, a removable partial denture – that is supported either by adjoining teeth or by an implant– can be used to replace the missing teeth, thus giving you the ability to chew more naturally, keep your remaining teeth from moving into the space left by the missing teeth, ensure proper jaw alignment, and support the structure of your face.
A removable partial denture is held in place by clasps that hook on to adjoining teeth, or by securing to the abutment of a titanium screw that is implanted in your jawbone. Partial dentures are easily removed for brushing and cleaning.
如果您的上顎或下顎掉了幾顆牙,可利用活動式局部假牙 (由相鄰的牙齒或植體支撐) 來取代掉落的牙齒,讓您能夠更自然地咀嚼,避免剩餘的牙齒倒向缺齒所留下的縫隙,確保上下顎能正確咬合,並支撐臉部結構。
Preventative Periodontics | 預防牙周病
Periodontal Disease (or gum disease) is a serious infection in your gums that is mainly caused by bacterial plaque constantly forming on your teeth. When plaque isn’t removed by brushing, flossing and regular dental cleanings, it can turn to tartar—a hard substance that can be removed only by a dentist. When left in your mouth, plaque and tartar can cause inflammation of your gums. This can develop into infections below the gum line, causing the gum to separate from your teeth and creating pockets that become infected and can even fill with pus.
As the pockets deepen and the disease becomes more pronounced, bone and gum tissue are destroyed, which can ultimately result in tooth loss. Periodontal disease is stealthy, usually giving few, if any, signs of its existence. Regular dental checkups can detect periodontal disease at even its earliest stages. Since periodontal
disease is created by plaque and tartar buildup on your gums, good dental hygiene is a must in preventing gum disease.
Along with good daily oral hygiene habits, regular visits to your dentist for checkups and professional cleanings (involving scaling and root planing that will remove plaque or tartar buildup) will help keep your gums healthy and free of periodontal disease and infections.
牙周病,或稱為牙齦疾病,是指牙齦主要因牙齒上不斷形成的牙菌斑,而受到嚴重的感染。 當牙菌斑無法以刷牙、牙線或定期潔牙的方式清除時,就會變成牙結石—這是一種堅硬的物質,只能由牙醫來清除。牙菌斑和牙結石如果留在口腔中,會造成牙齦發炎,進而演變成牙齦線下方感染,使得牙齦與牙齒分離,並形成受到感染且甚至長滿膿的牙周袋。
除了良好的日常口腔衛生習慣之外,定期造訪牙醫診所,進行牙齒檢查和專業潔牙 (包含可清除牙菌斑和牙結石的洗牙和必要時的深部洗牙),亦有助於保持牙齦健康,避免牙周病和牙齦感染。
Scaling and Root Planing | 深部洗牙
Even with good daily oral hygiene, some plaque still remains in your mouth; and over time it can harden and become tartar (also known as calculus) which, if left in your mouth, causes periodontal disease.
Tartar can be removed only by a dentist or dental hygienist with a process called “scaling”, in which either ultrasound vibrations or a manual tool called a “scaler” are used to remove tartar from the portion of your tooth that is below the gum line.
Since plaque and calculus love to grab on to rough surfaces of the tooth, once the built-up tartar has been removed from your tooth, the rough or irregular surfaces are smoothed away with a process called “root planing”. This process is used to prevent periodontal disease, reverse any early signs of gum disease, and to prevent any existing periodontal disease from spreading.
即使有良好的日常口腔衛生,有些牙菌斑還是會殘留於口腔中,並逐漸硬化而形成牙石 (也稱為牙結石),口腔中如果有牙石,則會造成牙周病。牙石只能由牙醫或洗牙師透過一項稱為「洗牙」的程序加以清除,洗牙時會使用超聲波震動或稱為去牙垢器的手動工具,清除牙齦線下方牙齒部分的牙石。
Root Canal Therapy | 根管治療
The space within the root of each of your teeth is called a “root canal”, and within that canal there is dental pulp which consists of soft tissue, nerves and blood vessels. Tooth decay or trauma can cause damage to your dental pulp, which results in infection that, if left untreated, can spread to the bone around your tooth, resulting in the loss of the tooth. To save the tooth, your dentist will first remove the dental pulp. Then the area that held the pulp is cleaned and shaped to hold a specialized filler material that will protect your tooth from any more infection and reduce any sensitivity of the tooth. Once the root canal is cleaned, filled and restored, your tooth is capped with a crown that protects the mended root canal and looks and functions like a normal tooth.
Wisdom Teeth Extraction | 拔智齒
At one time in the history of man, wisdom teeth (or third molars) were most likely an important part of our entire tooth structure; but that is no longer true. Because of a lack of adequate space in the jawbone for them, wisdom teeth (that usually come in somewhere in our late teen years) often come in sideways, pushing at an already established tooth. This causes the wisdom tooth to only partially erupt through the gums; or in some cases, it does not push through the gums at all, but stays impacted under the surface.
Bacteria can grow around a partially erupted wisdom tooth, causing periodontal disease; or food can get caught between the wisdom tooth and the adjoining tooth, creating tooth decay in both teeth. When a fully erupted wisdom tooth needs to be extracted, it is pulled like any other tooth. However, if the tooth is partially or fully impacted under the gum line and in the jawbone, an incision has to be made in the gums; and the tooth, as well as a portion of the bone that is covering the impacted tooth, has to be removed.
Dental Bonding | 牙科黏合 (補瓷粉)
In a way, bonding is like a simplified version of a veneer or a crown. While it can’t withstand the kind of abuse that those solutions can, bonding works well in a variety of situations. This is a process in which a tooth-colored resin material is used to repair chips and cracks on teeth as well as to change the shape of a tooth or to close gaps between teeth. It can also be used to repair a decayed tooth or to fully restore badly damaged teeth.
The resin that is used is matched closely with the color of your teeth so that it looks exactly like your natural teeth when the process is done.
The procedure typically takes from thirty to sixty minutes per tooth and begins with slightly roughening the surface of the tooth and applying a conditioning liquid. Then the putty-like resin is put on the tooth surface and molded to create the desired result.
Once the tooth repair or correction is done, a special light is used to harden the resin and bond it to your tooth. Bonding materials usually last from three to ten years before needing to be touched up or replaced.
進行這項程序時,一顆牙通常需要 30 到 60 分鐘,開始時會先將牙齒表面稍微磨粗,並塗上調理液。然後將油灰狀樹脂置於牙齒表面並加以鑄型,以產生所需要的結果。
完成牙齒修復或矯正後,接著以特殊光源來硬化樹脂,使其黏合於牙齒上。黏合材料在修補或更換之前,通常可使用 3 到 10 年。
進行這項程序時,一顆牙通常需要 30 到 60 分鐘,開始時會先將牙齒表面稍微磨粗,並塗上調理液。然後將油灰狀樹脂置於牙齒表面並加以鑄型,以產生所需要的結果。
完成牙齒修復或矯正後,接著以特殊光源來硬化樹脂,使其黏合於牙齒上。黏合材料在修補或更換之前,通常可使用 3 到 10 年。
Enamel Shaping | 琺瑯塑形
Enamel shaping is the opposite of dental bonding. Also known as contouring, this is a process that can be used to fix minor problems in the shape or texture of your teeth – such as small chips or pits in a tooth’s enamel, or even irregular or uneven teeth.
During the process, your dentist will use a sanding disk or fine diamond burs to sand your tooth or teeth to remove any roughness or pits, or to slightly reshape them. Once your teeth are smoothed and/or reshaped, they will be polished to finish the process.
Teeth Whitening | 牙齒美白
Your dentist can help you determine if your teeth and gums are healthy and good candidates for teeth whitening, and which whitening process will give you even, natural looking results. If the discoloration or stains on your teeth will not respond well to whitening, your dentist will have other options that will work best for you.
If teeth whitening is a good option for you, in-office whitening will give almost immediate results; and teeth whitening trays and gels created by your dentist can be done at home over the span of three days to two weeks.
如果您適合進行牙齒美白,診所內的美白處理大致就能立即產生效果,由牙醫製作的美白牙托和凝膠則可在家裡使用,使用期間是 3 天至 2 週。
Cosmetic Smile Design and Full Mouth Reconstruction | 美容微笑設計與全口重建
Cosmetic Smile Design is a process in which your dentist can help you to design the smile you have always wanted. If you are not happy with your smile and want to get a beautiful new look, Dr. Hwang can work with you to create a brand new smile! Using computer technology, the Doctor will first help you design the perfect smile based on a photograph of your teeth. Using digital precision tools, a computer program will help provide a preview of what your new smile will look like. You and your Doctor can then plan out your treatment program, resulting in the smile of your dreams.
Full Mouth Reconstruction is a process involving general & restorative dentistry. This may include dental procedures such as crowns, bridges, veneers and more. It may even be necessary to use other dental procedures, including periodontal treatments and even orthodontics.
Full Mouth Reconstruction may need to be done in cases where patients have lost teeth due to tooth decay or trauma, or because their teeth have suffered a fracture or injury. It can also be done if teeth have undergone wear due to erosion – such as that caused by excessive consumption of candy or soda, smoking, or even teeth grinding. If you suffer from headaches, neck pain or jaw pain, you may also be a candidate for Full Mouth Reconstruction.
If you think you may need Full Mouth Restoration or Reconstruction, Dr. Hwang can see you for a comprehensive examination. She will examine your mouth to determine the extent of the problem and then discuss the various treatment options. The Doctor will examine the condition of your teeth, gums, temporomandibular joints, jaw muscles, bite, and the overall esthetics of your smile.
Smile Makeover vs. Full Mouth Reconstruction
Many wonder what the difference is between full mouth reconstruction and a smile makeover. A smile makeover is something that you elect to have performed, while a full mouth reconstruction is a necessity. If you need full mouth reconstruction, the materials available today make it possible for your dentist to provide you with durable, functional and clinically sound treatments that also look natural.
美容微笑設計 vs. 全口重建