We are Passionate About Helping Take Care of Your Teeth
H&N Dental Care is a dental practice in Flushing, NY that also serves Auburndale, Murray Hill, Pomonok, Utopia, Fresh Meadows, Bay Terrace and Corona. Our practice provides a caring, relaxed, and friendly environment in which you can receive high quality dentistry in our clean and modern facilities.
Our experienced dentist, Dr. Evonne Hwang, DDS, and her staff are gentle and knowledgeable–meaning that they will provide you with options and explain the various dental procedures we offer. We are a bilingual office, speaking English and Mandarin Chinese. We welcome you and your entire family to come visit us.
黃文柔牙醫診所位於紐約州法拉盛 (Flushing, NY),除了服務當地患者之外,也為 Auburndale,Murray Hill,Pomonok,Utopia,Fresh Meadows,Bay Terrace 和 Corona 等地居民提供服務。 本牙醫診所提供關懷,輕鬆和友善的環境,讓您在乾淨,現代化的設施當中,獲得優質的醫療服務。
本診所經驗豐富的牙醫師 – 黃文柔醫師 暨全體同仁都和藹可親且具備充分的專業知識,能為您提供相關意見,並針對我們所提供的各項牙科療程進行說明。 我們提供英文及中文雙語服務。 歡迎您及全家人前來看診。

Why Choose Us?
“I believe that skillful, ethical work is the key element of my practice. I provide education to my patients and help them overcome their dental phobias by being gentle and doing the job right.”
“To me, a healthy smile depends on caring for one’s teeth and gums. Doing so can mean a lifetime of smiles. My skill and knowledge is here for you to have. Let me help you achieve your dental goals!”
-Dr. Evonne Hwang
「我認為技術精良、符合道德的診療是本診所的營業方針。 我會教育我的病患,並以溫和親切的態度及正確的治療方式,協助他們克服對治療牙齒的恐懼感。」
「對我來說,健康的笑容來自於對個人牙齒和牙齦的保健。 只要妥善照顧好牙齒和牙齦,就能終生保持微笑。 我在此為您奉獻我的技術和知識。 讓我協助您達成您對口腔保健的目標!」

Our Treatments
You will find our office to be clean, on time, and always friendly. We provide the latest in dental technologies to give you a uniquely pleasant experience, with minimum discomfort. We also offer treatments that improve the appearance of your smile – giving you the confidence boost you deserve.
您會發現本診所的特色是乾淨,準時和和顏悅色。 我們採用最先進的牙科技術,為您提供獨特的愉悅體驗,將不舒適感減至最低程度。我們也提供了多項服務幫您拾回您的完美笑容讓您更加的有自信。
General Checkups & Cleanings | 一般檢查和潔牙
Tooth-Colored Restorations | 牙色修復
Composite Inlays & Onlays | 複合嵌體和高嵌體
Veneers | 瓷貼片
Crowns and Bridges | 牙套和牙橋
Dental Implants | 植牙
Complete Dentures | 整副假牙
Removable Partial Dentures | 活動式局部假牙
Preventative Periodontics | 預防牙周病
Scaling and Root Planing | 深部洗牙
Root Canal Therapy | 根管治療
Wisdom Teeth Extraction | 拔智齒
Dental Bonding | 牙科黏合 (補瓷粉)
Enamel Shaping | 琺瑯塑形
Teeth Whitening | 牙齒美白
Cosmetic Smile Design and Full Mouth Reconstruction | 美容微笑設計與全口重建

Professional. Attentive. Organized. As a self-pay regular patient of hers, I feel extremely comfortable and at ease during all my visits. Friendly staff and amicable environment. Super knowledgeable and patient. I highly recommend all my family and friends to go to her!
– Kristie

What We Believe
Our office believes that patients deserve the highest standard of dental care, which includes using top dental materials and trustworthy dental laboratories. According to our patients that have undergone our dental treatments, with the correct care, their teeth stays strong, healthy, natural looking and cosmetically, thanks to Dr. Hwang’s dental techniques and years of experiences.
3M Dental Products
BioMet 3I
Nobel Biocare